Killer whales are the top marine predator. The increase in hunting
territories available to killer whales in the Arctic due to climate
change and melting sea ice could seriously affect the marine ecosystem
balance. New research has combined scientific observations with Canadian
Inuit traditional knowledge to determine killer whale behavior and diet
in the Arctic.
Orca have been studied extensively in the northeast Pacific ocean, where resident killer whales eat fish, but migrating whales eat marine mammals. Five separate ecotypes in the Antarctic have been identified, each preferring a different type of food, and similar patterns have been found in the Atlantic, tropical Pacific, and Indian oceans. However, little is known about Arctic killer whale prey preference or behaviour.
Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is increasingly being used to
supplement scientific observations. Researchers from Manitoba visited 11
Canadian Nunavut Inuit communities and collated information from over
100 interviews with hunters and elders.
The Inuit reported that killer whales would 'eat whatever they can
catch', mainly other marine mammals including seals (ringed, harp,
bearded, and hooded) and whales (narwhal, beluga and bowhead). However
there was no indication that Arctic killer whales ate fish. Only seven
of the interviewees suggested that killer whales ate fish, but none of
them had ever seen it themselves.
The type of reported prey varied between areas. Most incidents of
killer whales eating bowhead whales occurred in Foxe Basin and narwhal
predation was more frequent around Baffin Island. Inuit were also able
to describe first-hand how killer whales hunted, including several
reports of how killer whales co-operated to kill the much larger
bowhead. During the hunt some whales were seen holding the bowhead's
flippers or tail, others covering its blowhole, and others biting or
ramming to cause internal damage. Occasionally dead bowheads, with bite
marks and internal injuries but with very little eaten, are found by
'Aarlirijuk', the fear of killer whales, influenced prey behaviour
with smaller mammals seeking refuge in shallow waters or on shore and
larger prey running away, diving deep, or attempting to hide among the
ice. Even narwhal, which are capable of stabbing a killer whale with
their tusks (although this is likely to result in the deaths of both
animals), will run to shallow waters and wait until the whales give up.
Killer whales are seasonal visitors to the area and have recently
started colonising Hudson Bay (possibly due to loss of summer sea ice
with global warming). Local communities are reliant on the very species
that the orcas like to eat. Dr Steven Ferguson from the University of
Manitoba who led this research commented, "Utilising local knowledge
through TEK will help scientists understand the effects of global
warming and loss of sea ice on Arctic species and improve collaborative
conservation efforts in conjunction with local communities."
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