Sunday 15 May 2016


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Pilosa
Family: Mylodontidae
Genus: Mylodon
Species: M. darwini
Temporal Range: Pleistocene to Holocene

It is a extinct genus of ground sloth that lived in the region South America until roughly 10,000 years ago. Exactly the fossil remains found in Argentina and Chile.
Mylodon's close relatives include the ground sloths of the genera has often been confused with Glossotherium and Paramylodon. Scientists often confused Mylodon with Glossotherium. 
Mylodon weighed about 2,500 kg and stood up to 10 ft when raised up on its hind legs. It had very thick hide and had osteoderms within its skin for added armor. Because of this armor and its long and sharp claws, it is unlikely that the Mylodon had any natural enemies other than humans, who would have still difficult to pierce with stone projectile points.
Mylodon has been traditionally considered a grazer in open areas, which is theorized based on its paleoenvironment as well as from the vegetation found in fossilized dung. However new study suggests that they  had been a mixed or selective-feeder instead and the paleoenvironment of the formation where the animal was found indicates a wide variety of vegetation to be selected from. 
The Mylodon had a wide range of climate and environment tolerance. It was probably capable of inhabiting arid to semiarid and cold climates, humid and warm climates and cooler and montane climates.

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